Upcoming payment to freelance writers

Upcoming payment to freelance writers

Do you have content that was published in magazines, newspapers or cultural, news or scientific periodicals in Quebec? It could earn you royalties!

Whether you’re self-employed, contribute to literary reviews or write part-time in a specific field of expertise, you could be eligible for the Copibec payment.

To qualify, you need to have published at least 8 texts between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2019 and must have been compensated as a freelancer for each text.

Each text must meet the following criteria:

  • Contain 1,500 or more characters (including spaces)
  • Be published in a Quebec newspaper, magazine or periodical

Important: Blog posts or texts that were not subject to an editing process are not eligible.

Other criteria apply. Please refer to the complete terms and conditions for the payment.

To register, update the My publications section of your online account.

Deadline for registering: June 11, 2021.