A new Executive Director for Copibec

A new Executive Director for Copibec


A new Executive Director for Copibec

Montreal, July 21, 2021 - La société québécoise de gestion collective des droits de reproduction, better known as Copibec, is pleased to announce that its new Executive Director, Mr. Christian Laforce, has taken office.

"It is with great enthusiasm that I accepted the position of Executive Director at Copibec. For me, its mission is more than essential today, and I believe that we must all, as a society, contribute to the respect of the rights of our creators" declared Christian Laforce.

Having worked in the field of culture and the arts for over 20 years, he has held several management and advisory positions. His objective: to contribute to the improvement of the conditions of practice of artists and cultural organizations. He has also served on various boards of directors at the local, regional and national levels.

"The selection committee was impressed by his depth of analysis, his political sense and his great empathy," said Gilles Herman, president of Copibec's board of directors.

Several projects will occupy the new Executive Director in the coming months, including the revision of the Copyright Act, negotiations for the renewal of agreements with Quebec's post-secondary institutions and the implementation of a new strategic plan.

About Copibec
Copibec is a non-profit social enterprise specializing in copyright management. It represents over 30,000 authors and more than 1,300 Quebec publishers, along with publishers from about 30 countries under repertoire-sharing agreements. It offers convenient and customized solutions that meet the needs of users of copyright-protected content. Copibec is the Quebec counterpart of Access Copyright (Canada except Quebec), the Copyright Clearance Center (U.S.) and the Centre Français d’exploitation du droit de Copie (France).


Source :
Caroline Lacroix
Directrice – Communications et Services aux titulaires de droits
c.lacroix@copibec.ca / (514) 288-1664 #242