Visual arts payment 2022

Visual arts payment 2022

Copibec recently distributed its annual payment to visual artists.

A total of $275,000 was paid out to 1,600 creators.  


What is the visual arts payment?

Photographers, illustrators and other visual artists often contribute to paper-format publications (such as books, magazines, newspapers and exhibition catalogues) that are published in Quebec. Copyright royalties are collected on those publications.

Specifically, we’re talking about reproductions of those artists’ works appearing in printed material.

Throughout the year, Copibec sets aside a certain percentage of the royalties collected when copyrighted content is used.

The visual arts payment is a way to compensate creators for the works reproduced in Quebec paper-format publications.


Where do the royalties come from?

The funds set aside make it possible to compensate the creators of visual artworks. Among other sources, this reserve is generated under licensing agreements with content users such as the education, private and government sectors.


How to receive the next payment

Are you a visual artist who hasn’t yet benefitted from this payment?

Create your Copibec account today so you don’t miss the next registration season.