The basic mission of a copyright collective is to make life easier for the rightsholders it represents.
To carry out our mission, we regularly ask creators to make sure their information is up to date in our database.
Below we explain how and why you should update your Copibec user account.
We’re mainly targeting authors who publish books or content in periodicals (newspapers, magazines and journals).
The reason is simply so you can be paid all your royalties and shorten payment processing timeframes.
When user accounts are up to date, we’re able to distribute royalties more fairly. In other words, you’ll be able to earn more from your literary productions.
Start by logging in to your account at copibec.ca, then list your content and indicate the payment method. Here are the steps:
1 — Your profile
- Check your contact information and make any necessary corrections
2 — Your content
- Go to the “My publications” section
- Check your list of works and contributor participations (collaborative works)
- Enter any titles that aren’t already listed, including content published outside Quebec
3 — Royalty payment method
- Opt for direct deposit
What if you don’t already have an account?
Follow this link to create your Copibec user account: Registration — Create an account
If you’re self-published, you can also register and list your content, including books you’ve published only on digital media.
Exception! This doesn’t apply to websites, blogs or other microsites.
You should also enter the translations of your works, including any published outside Quebec, because royalties may be payable for them.
Content published outside Quebec
What if your publishing house is based elsewhere in Canada or outside the country, such as the U.S. or Europe?
For your publications to be eligible, all you have to do is register with Copibec, keep your account up to date and make sure your contact information is valid. It doesn’t matter where or in what language your content is published.
By listing your works published outside Quebec, you’ll also be helping to minimize your administrative fees and automatic deductions because funds transfers won’t be necessary. That means you’ll be keeping more money for yourself.
Visual arts and illustrators
At this point, we’re reaching out to anyone who owns the copyright for books or illustrated publications such as comic albums, picture books, monographs (for exhibitions) or graphic novels.
If that doesn’t apply to you and, instead, images of your works have been reproduced in paper-format publications in Quebec, please follow this link to find out more about the annual visual arts payment and the spring registration season: Visual arts payment