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Back from IFRRO

The last days of our trip to Belgium were quite busy, with workshops held by the various organizations and associations. 

An overview of what’s happening in Europe and Africa helped us better grasp issues regarding copyright and the various challenges facing each territory. Various work groups made presentations about magazines and journals, reproduction in the visual arts world, and copyright collective methods and procedures. 

I’ve come back home with loads of information and a few new ideas to put into practice at Copibec in the coming weeks and months.


Breaking News

We have a meeting scheduled with François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry on November 14th to discuss the revision of the Copyright Act. I will keep you posted. 

The november issue of our newsletter summarizes our trip to Brussels, gives information about this year’s education sector payment, explains copyright-free content and discusses copyright in the metaverses.

We hope you’ll find it interesting!

— Christian Laforce, Executive Director