Feels like vacations

Feels like vacations

Copibec's Annual General Meeting was held at our offices on Sherbrooke Street West on June 15, in the presence of numerous delegates and partners. Congratulations to the new Board of Directors, elected for a one-year term, with Lise Létourneau as president, Gilles Herman as vice-president, Pierre-Yves Villeneuve as secretary, Patrick Bourbeau as treasurer, and Emmanuelle Bruno, Jean-Marc Côté, Simon de Jocas, Angelica Carrero, Karine Légeron and Francis Hébert-Bernier as administrators.

2023-2024 promises to be an active year, with the realization of the actions identified in the strategic plan, including that of governance. This was an excellent opportunity for exchanges between Board members, staff and partners.

You will find online the documents presented at the AGM, namely the annual report and the 2022-2023 audited financial statements.

The end of a financial year is often rich in emotions of all kinds. We take stock of our achievements, putting on smiley faces or sad ones; we tick off boxes and redo our TO-DO list for the Xth time to anticipate what lies ahead for the next year.

Tut tut tut... But what do I hear? RAM DAM DAM RA LA DOU it's vacation time! Work can wait a few more days, we've all earned it.

And here are the contents of our summer newsletter:


Enjoy your reading and, as always, I invite you to try doing nothing with intensity! 

— Christian Laforce, General Manager