All in all

All in all


All In

« All is in all » ... that's the impression I got when I attended the All In event. AI was presented in all its forms and in all walks of life. It's beyond fiction. I'd like to thank the CDEC and the MCC for their highly instructive cultural component, and I hope that culture will play a bigger role at the next symposium. Because, according to the experts, culture feeds AI, it's part of its DNA, and that's why they all recommend a legislative framework to protect it. And that's what we're asking the federal ministers to do — Read our press release (in French). 


The team expands

Two new additions to the team: Fanie Grégoire as Communications Officer and Emmanuelle Dorion as Executive Assistant. Welcome to the team! 


Thank you Gilles 

In the course of my professional life, I've made a number of wonderful encounters, some of them outstanding, like that of Gilles Herman. From the moment I joined the organisation, he guided me through the world of copyright. A good listener, proactive, interested and interesting — an encyclopedia — he was involved in every file and on every front, as president or vice-president, to carry out Copibec's mission. I will certainly miss you, and you know I'm counting on you for 2024. I wish you all the best!


IFRRO 2024

In Reykjavik, where the IFRRO 2023 World Congress on Copyright and Collective Licensing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence — a universal issue — was held, I had the pleasure of taking part with Lise Létourneau, our President. In addition to meeting our counterparts, we announced to delegates that Copibec will be hosting the next World Congress in 2024, which will take place in Quebec City. 

Did you get my wink to Gilles? 


In the October issue of the newsletter :


Enjoy your reading and Thanksgiving break!
— Christian Laforce, Executive Director