Theatre and Performing Arts
Are you in a theatre company? If you copy a play and perform it in public, you need permission.
When you use content
Whether you’re a director, stage manager, workshop facilitator, secretary-treasurer, school group leader, camp counsellor or otherwise involved in the theatre, you need permission to make the copies you want, even for a rehearsal.
Copibec handles requests to reproduce entire plays or parts of plays, whether or not they’ve been published.
You need permission for all these types of use.
Access plays online
The ADEL inc. online bookstore contains hundreds of French-language works by Quebec playwrights.
You can use the site to get copies of one or more plays and request permission to make additional copies. The texts can be printed in read format or rehearsal format.
ADEL inc. is a collaborative effort between Copibec and the Association québécoise des auteurs dramatiques.
Get permission to perform a play in public
You need permission to stage and perform a play in public, regardless of the audience. Permission is necessary whether or not you charge admission.
To request permission, contact the playwright or their representative. If the playwright is a member of the Société québécoise des auteurs dramatiques, you can submit the request to SoQAD online.