Copibec and Université Laval reach out-of-court settlement on copyright royalties
Quebec City, June 19, 2018 – Copibec and Université Laval have agreed to put an end to the legal dispute between them concerning copyright royalty management for the university’s teaching and research activities.
After holding discussions, the parties have reached an out-of-court settlement agreement that remains subject to Court approval. The agreement’s specific terms and conditions will therefore not be made public until the Court has had the opportunity to review the agreement.
This out-of-court settlement agreement was reached, without any admission whatsoever, in order for the parties to avoid substantial additional fees and expenses. They prefer to devote their efforts and resources to defending copyright as it relates to their respective missions.
Copibec and Université Laval are pleased to have found a solution to their dispute through mutual agreement, which they believe meets the needs of the university community while respecting the rights of copyright owners. Both parties recognize that collective licensing is beneficial and promotes academic freedom.
Please note that Copibec and Université Laval will not be making any further comments until the agreement has been approved by the Court.
About Copibec
Copibec, whose official name is the Société québécoise de gestion collective des droits de reproduction, is a not-for-profit organization created in 1997 by the Union des écrivaines et des écrivains québécois (UNEQ) and the Association nationale des éditeurs de livres (ANEL) to manage the reproduction rights for content published in print and digital formats. It has the authority to manage the reproduction rights for thousands of Quebec authors and publishers as well as the authors and publishers represented by reproduction rights organizations in 33 countries, including the United States, France and Belgium.
About Université Laval
Driven by a spirit of innovation and research excellence, Université Laval is one of Canada's leading research universities, ranking 6th with $377 million in research funding last year. It has 3,730 professors, lecturers and other members of its teaching and research staff who share their knowledge with more than 43,000 students, including 25% at the graduate level. As the oldest French-language university in North America, Université Laval has educated over 300,000 people who, each in their own way, are helping societies make progress. www.ulaval.ca
Caroline Lacroix
Communications and Rightsholder Services
514-288-1664 ext. 242
Université Laval
Samuel Auger
Media relations
Direction des communications