This last February, Copibec received a special visit from Les As de l’info website team.
They offered us the opportunity to record an explanatory video, specifically for people working in education, to inform them of Copibec’s various services and platforms.
Camille, our Rightsholder services coordinator, took the camera and explained our many resources and mission so well.
Following up on his experience with the As de l’info, Nicolas, our education coordinator, also had something to say:
‘‘Our two comparses from Les As de l’info knew how to make us feel comfortable and confident, and everything went really well. We’re delighted with the collaboration!’’
WHO are Les As de l’info?
*Les As de l’info is the country’s first French-language media site where children aged 8 to 12 can find out what’s going on in the news and express their views on a daily basis. All the site’s content is written for them by journalists specialized in children’s content. And it’s all 100% free!
There’s also a section for teachers who want to use our content in the classroom!
*Text taken from Les As de l'info website.
You didn’t know about this site? That’s normal since it’s only been around for a little over a year. But it’s already very popular with young people, with over 8,000 of them having registered as subscribers to their website.
We applaud their mission to educate young readers about the media. An extremely important cause, especially at a time when the sharing of fake news is doing so much harm to our society.
If you’re a teacher, they’ve got a section just for you!
Why not share their site with a young person in your life?