Montreal, November 19, 2024 – Copibec, a Quebec company specializing in the collective management of reproduction rights, and the Colombian Center for Reprographic Rights (CDR) signed a bilateral agreement on November 18 to pool their repertoires. The agreement aims to facilitate the use of Quebec and Colombian titles for academic purposes in both territories.
The agreement now enables users in both countries to reproduce Quebec and Colombian works for academic purposes, thus promoting the exchange of knowledge and the dissemination of content.
“It’s important to ensure that acts of reproduction can lead to royalty payments for rightsholders with partner collecting societies. In this respect, I'd like to thank the CDR for their trust and openness towards Copibec,” says Lise Létourneau, President of Copibec.
“The CDR Board of Directors thanks Copibec for its confidence in the conclusion of this agreement, which strengthens both countries’ repertoires so that users can obtain greater diversity in the licenses they pay for,” says Nathalia Gómez Vargas, CDR General Manager.
With this agreement, Copibec now has 34 bilateral agreements with copyright management companies around the world.
About Copibec
Founded in 1997 by the Union des écrivaines et des écrivains québécois (UNEQ) and the Association nationale des éditeurs de livres (ANEL), the Quebec reproduction rights collective Copibec specializes in copyright management. More than 30,000 authors and over 1,400 publishing houses are represented by Copibec, which also manages legal access to reproductions of works by visual artists through licensing.
About the Colombian Center for Reprographic Rights
The Colombian Center for Reprographic Rights is a private entity that brings together authors, publishers and copyright holders in Colombia. Its mission is to collect, administer and distribute remuneration from the reproduction of our associates’ editorial repertoire, whether through traditional systems such as photocopiers or electronic means.
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